Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Trayvon Martin Killing: Sad, Senseless and Shameful

Its been almost a month since Trayvon Martin was gunned down. He was so young, just 17. His nickname was "Slimm". He wanted to be a pilot. He was looking forward to his junior prom. He had dreams. Now he's dead.

George Zimmerman is 28 years old. In 2008 he participated in a 4 month law enforcement program offered by the Seminole County sheriff's office. As part of that application he wrote, "I hold law enforcement officers in the highest regard and I hope to one day become one."
In the meantime he's been volunteering as a community watchman. That's how their paths crossed.,0,6326075.story

On the night of February 26, Zimmerman was patrolling his neighborhood when he noticed Martin. He thought he was suspicious looking.  Minutes later there was an altercation between the two men. Zimmerman said he felt threatened. He shot and killed Trayvon Martin in the name of self defense.

The killing of Trayvon Martin is front and center in the media and in the hearts and minds of many.
 From Sanford, Florida where the shooting took place to Union Square in New York City where hundreds gathered as part of a "Million Hoodie March" to protest his murder, the anger and frustration is swelling.  And as Trayvon Martin's parents mourn the loss of their son they are joined by scores of others who crave justice and wonder how long before Zimmerman will be taken into custody.  He was never handcuffed and arrested.  Zimmerman wasn't  carted away by police with his head bent and pushed into the back seat of a waiting patrol car.  None of that has taken place. The  Sanford, Florida police found no reason to arrest  Zimmerman for shooting Martin with a 9mm gun. Florida's clumsy "Stand Your Ground Law" has been at the center of this heated controversy. But even Zimmerman's own attorney says the law doesn't apply to this case. 

George Zimmerman is Latino. His father wants the world to know that his son is not a racist. He comes from a multiracial family. "George is a Spanish-speaking minority with many black family members and friends," said Zimmerman's Dad. Well congratulations! So does that mean he's sensitive and respectful of different cultures? Does that mean he understands what it's like to be judged because of the color of your skin and thus he would never make assumptions? Apparently not.
When he saw Trayvon Martin he didn't see a young kid who went horse back riding with his mom and who teachers described as, "a sweet kid." Zimmerman didn't see innocence. He assumed the worst.
There are 53,000 residents in the city of Sanford, they are mostly white. Just under a third are African American. When Trayvon Martin walked in the neighborhood with his Skittles and iced tea he not only stood out but raised suspicion for community watchman Zimmerman. George Zimmerman placed a 911 call to the cops and reported what he saw. And during that call there are allegations that Zimmerman used a racial slur.
The police instructed Zimmerman him not to follow the young male.  But Zimmerman got out of his SUV and followed Trayvon. What was that about?  Why did he get out of the car? So much for "holding law enforcement officers in the highest regard."

Minutes later Gerge Zimmerman shoots and kills Trayvon Martin. The police arrive and find Martin dead on the scene. And Zimmerman with a gun, blood on his clothing and a claim of self defense. They perform an autopsy on Trayvon Martin testing for drugs an alcohol but do not test Zimmerman for anything.

Remind me again. What year is this? 2012 ? There's an African-American president in the White House! Yet a young child, who by the President's own admission would look like his son if he had one, is dead because some wannabe cop felt threatened? Imagine for a moment how threatened Trayvon Martin felt when Zimmerman aimed that gun at his chest. Imagine the look of horror on Trayvon's handsome face when he realized he was going to die. And when Trayvon fell to the ground did Zimmerman once again feel safe?

There are so many unanswered questions about race, guns and self defense. The Department of Justice has taken over the case.  Hopefully equal justice will prevail. But even then lives are ruined, dreams are shattered. Trayvon Martin will not attend his senior prom and never attain his pilots license. And George Zimmerman well, he's got blood on his hands and instead of wearing a policeman's uniform he's become the latest poster child for America's ongoing struggle with race relations.


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