Friday, January 6, 2012

Page Turn. New Chapter

Since the late 80's I've worked as a TV producer in both the Philadelphia and New York Markets. I've been an executive producer, writer, host, and reporter. It has been thrilling! But nothing stays as it is. Decisions are made. Priorities are defined and employees are laid off. Such was my case.

Two months before my job ended my remarkable Mother passed away. We were close friends! A great Mother/Daughter team! The combination of Mom's death and getting laid off has caused a storm to rage in my life. My foundation,  once secure and settled has become fractured, fragile, uncertain and very emotional. Significant pieces of what once was is now gone. But it's not the end.

 As I work toward a new chapter in my life I know that writing will be at the center of it. I've been writing for years.  I have pieces of short stories and the beginnings of novels tucked away as documents on my laptop. And in the midst of all of that there are those daily moment to moment interactions I have with people and situations that are just too insightful or perhaps absurd to keep to myself, jumbled in the crevices of my mind. So I will share them with you.  

It's What I See. How I Feel. The way I Connect.


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